Hooray.....Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!
The comeback of tym2laff is a success! I already hit over 100,000 page views. For me it is amazing accomplishment , a big come back of Tym2laff from June 7,2011. I saw my blog slowly rising from the rank from the local ranking site of topblogs.com.ph , tym2laff went on 37th spot, tym2laff is the only site who has the .blogspot.com address who made it to top50. In the international ranking site of blogtoplist tym2laff got the taste of 98th position, Now the rank went down to 173 position but its okay, still accomplishment from 672nd down to 173. Slowly but surely. I spend 1 day promoting the site from networkblog, facebook and 2leep
I hope when I hit 1 million pageview, If I have enough fund from the bidads in able to have my very own domain. I love to see tym2laff.com in the future.
Thanks all for spending your time in TYM2LAFF, and participating in poll. THANKS ALL!
June 30, 2011
Thank You
congrats.. as much as possible, i don't want to know my blog's standing in the world wide web... :)
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