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April 30, 2010

Top 10 Most hated Pinoy Politician

     A few more days and the Philippines will have a new set of Government officials. And hope that Filipino should vote wisely. Pinoy election is like a carnival show, very entertaining.  Politician will do anything just to get the vote, from singing, dancing and acting. Yes acting! You read it right! They are good actor. Good of portraying a saint!     Today I gather a list of most hated politician. I gathered all the most controversial, the politician who rock our world, the one who put Philippines in international limelight in a shameful way. Click here To Read who made it to the top 10 spot Tessie Aquino Oreta     Filipino will never forget the former senator and being tagged...

April 29, 2010

Funny Pinoy Sign

     If the western people have funny signs. So was the pinoy.... here's the collection of funny sign and post from the Philippines. ...

Funny Note

This is my collection of funny note that will make you smile.... enjoy... Oh yeah... Active fan... Poor Ashley... with that sign someone will check her constantly!      Okay, I get it.. stupid enough.... ha!ha!ha!ha! bathroom joke.. I know! I know! no reward!  My personal favorite.. So Hilarious.... This one made my day....

Top 12 Pinoy Exotic food

     I compiled a list of exotic food in the Philippine. I came up with 40 but only choose the famous, bizarre and odd. My plan is to choose  the top ten but I end up in 14 but I made it twelve because one on my list  falls in the same category.      Top 12 list of Pinoy Exotic Food 12. Soup No.5     The soup main ingredients are bulls testicle and phallic. It is believed to have aphrodisiac properties.  Soup no.5 is best to be eaten when you are drunk since the soup reduced the alcohol spirit. 11. Helmet      Helmet is chicken head, it is called helmet because the clean chicken head without the beak and cockscomb ...

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