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November 6, 2011

Another weird fashion

  Move over Lady Gaga's meat dress, there's a new weirdo dress in town that beats your craziness and it is making a headline forom Berlin. This Fashion is called "ART" but for me it is" bizarre attention seeking art" and the creations are Octopus tunic, seaweed miniskirt, chocolate dresses , quail eggs necklace and more.....&nbs...

November 4, 2011

Boy thought when In Love

  From a Girl:  I wonder how boys feel when they are in love. Do they get butterflies? Do they have you in their mind 24/7? Do they wait for you to come online for hours? Do they smile at random times at the thought of you? Do they miss you all the time? Do they think about the smallest things you sa...

October 30, 2011

Dont Mess with Monkey

Here's some idiot people who try to make fun with monkey ... watch the video and have fun...

October 29, 2011

Dont Cover it

Excuse my being lazy today.. just want to share this funny comics strip... enjo...

October 28, 2011

Different Kind of Drinker

T.G.I.F. Time to relax and time to party.  After a long weekdays of work and dueling a  massive amount of stress. Most of us want to drink or to celebrate. Before you sip that cold beer or kiss that glass of wine have you realize.... What kind of a drinker are you??? * The ManagerThe one who invites friend to drink and treat them..Most of the time the one who pays the tab. * The PlaymakerThis type of person observe every move of his/her friend. Sometimes they are the one who reminds us that its your turn to drink or you are too drunk and need to rest... * The hikerIn a party place they are the one who have known a lot of friend. Active: Constantly transferring seats to get more drinksPassive: seat hopping to avoid drinking too...

October 27, 2011

Hacker Group Anonymous Shut down Child Porns Server

Most internet user who's against on child pornography are rejoicing because Anonymous hacker group shut down the child porn site that's haven for paedophiles. One of the group advocacy now is that they will hunt and bring down all the sites that exposes innocent children in pornography and some are furious for the latest attack of Anonymous Group . Anonymous became famous in 2008 after taking on the Church of Scientology over a leaked video of Tom Cruise promoting the belief which Anonymous members kept reposting to the Internet. It has no leaders and anyone can suggest an individual or an organisation to target.  Anonymous grew out of 4chan, a notorious message board for hackers from around the world. 'Hacktivist' group Anonymous...

October 25, 2011

Never Walks at night near cemetery

Ghost rider  err I mean Skeleton rider  in real life to give a scare out of innocent passerby near the cemetery but to give us the best laugh. This video is epic.. A must see! You will laugh hard......

October 23, 2011

Respect the Animals

A mother tiger lost her cubs due to premature labour. Shortly after, she became depressed and her health declined. She was later diagnosed with depression. Since tigers are endangered, every effort was made to secure her health. Zoologists wrapped piglets up in tiger-print cloth, and presented them to the mother tiger. She now loves these piglets and treats them like her own. And needless to mention, her health is back on track. ♥ Yes, they ALL have feelings any living creature....just like we do. And yes, their feelings ought to be respected. They shouldn’t have to suffer because of our ignorance and e...

October 22, 2011

Going to help?

If you are in China and saw the toddler been hit and run, Are you going to help or ignore just like the 18 people who saw the accident. Knowing that most Chinese people sees a golden opportunity to blame and ordered to pay a hefty fines for the person who helped.  Are you willing to be a good samaritan or not? What will you do if no CCTV camera to witness that you are just helping and you've been accused and ended up in jail?     As for me I'm going to help no matter what it cost me, I believe in God. If I've been judge wrongfully by human  our heavenly creator will measure the good deed I done for the one who needs my hel...

October 20, 2011

Hot issue: China at worst event YUE YUE INCIDENT

Warning : graphic contents China is hot topic as of today because of what happen to 2 year old girl name Yue Yue and 18 people passed by and ignore her.. the world at rage now on China being "THE HARMONIOUS COUNTRY".. is it? Translation: October 13th afternoon around 5:30, a car accident occurred at the Guangfo Hardware Market in Huangqi of Foshan. A van hit a 2-year-old little girl and then fled. No passersby reached out to help and then another car ran over her. Over the span of 7 minutes, a total of 17 people passing by failed to extend a hand or call the police, up until the 19th person, a garbage scavenger ayi [older woman], who lifted her up after discovering her but the little girl in her arms was like a noodle, immediately...

60 second = 1 minute

This simple question made me speechless and this is not a simple question ... This is confusing... On a microwave , if you push 60 seconds, it will cook for 60 seconds or 1 minute... and if you press 1.00 minute in the oven, it will cook for one minute or 60 seconds.. right? My question if you press 1.00 minute + 1 minute in microwave = 2 minutes of cooking time. but if you press 60 second twice you will get 60 seconds + 60 seconds =it will only cook one minute and twenty seconds (1.20 seconds). Eventhough 60 seconds is equal to one minute... how come 1 minute + 1 minute is equal to 2 minutes while the 60 seconds + 60 seconds is only one minute and twenty second...

October 19, 2011

Cyclops Shark

Just want to share you this.. what you think of this cyclops shark? Real or Fake? The one-eyed shark has achieved cult status since Pisces Fleet Sportfishing published pictures of it in July, giving rise to rumours of Photoshopping or other hoaxes. If youre answer is fake .. a big wrong! Shark researchers who have examined the creature say it is genuine, although it is unlikely it would have survived after birth, MSNBC reported. Shark expert Felipe Galvan Magana, of Mexico’s Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias del Mar, said: ‘This is extremely rare. As far as I know, less than 50 examples of an abnormality like this have been recorded.’ The shark’s condition is known as cyclopia, and is a rare congenital disorder characterised by...

October 14, 2011

A Healthy love life

Some reader will get annoyed because from the previous post on my blog is about LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Well I guess I'm still love sick. Please give me this moment and this will be my last post for this month about love.. I promise.. :P  Beside my post is not just about love ...Nothing wrong with love, right? Every People  express they'd would like to have a healthy love life, the big question is , "Are  you willing to work for it?"    First thing to do is to get physical. Stop  Being green minded, it's not the physical contact and what I mean is other "literal word". When most people would choose a twinkie over an apple, you'll have to be the one who has the wisdom and willpower to choose the apple. In a world...

October 13, 2011

Cigarettes and Tampons

Hey guys..sorry for not posting and updating the site.. After getting back to reality I keep myself busy and face whatever problems I ignored from work.  For those who inspired me by sending email... thanks never expected it... I'm normal again.. now for today.. a  humor for you by dear readers... Cigarettes and Tampons A man walks into a pharmacy and wanders up and down the aisles.The sales girl notices him and asks him if she can help him.He answers that he is looking for a box of tampons for his wife.She directs him down the correct aisle.A few minutes later, he deposits a huge bag of cotton balls and a ball of string on the counter.She says, confused, " Sir, I thought you were looking for some tampons for your wife.?"He answers,...

October 8, 2011

Return to my own insanity

  After a long time of being a miserable one and trying to convince myself to move on with my life. Get back to the real world and enjoy.  I ask 3 sign before moving on. Well I got my sign from heaven.... 1. I saw a poor old lady banging her head to the wall and I ask her what's the problem and she said that she accidentally lost her money to buy medicine for her child, I'm a little skeptic about the situation and thought that she is just one of the con-artist around but as she tells her story I felt sincerity and bring her to  social worker office. I assisted the old lady and handled the prescription to my friend and then asked my friend if we have  that kind of medicine and lucky the city health have those kind of medicine. The old lady hug me and thanks me more than...

October 5, 2011

Life Struggle

Just want to share this:  One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's neighbors...

September 26, 2011

Setting Free the one you love

"If you love somebody set them free... If they come back.. they are yours.. If not, they never will.." That quote is one of my favorite piece of advice I'd like to give to a brokenhearted friend or acquaintance . Upon listening to others people problem,  I always came up a piece of advice that makes them smile and realize something better is coming and it is for good. For six days since September 11,2011 I've been trying to convince myself .. It felt like all I learned and teach to others is gone and I don't believe myself anymore.. My mind tells me to do something right and good but my heart refuse and question myself if it is right... September 12, 2011 almost 1 a.m. we are still at videoke bar and 1 more hour we need to go back home...

September 24, 2011

My Own Sweet Goodbye

I'm stuck at 9/11/11... and I freeze my time and got lazy on my life.... I felt like I'm an android robot.. just moving and doesn't care anymore.. Someone stole my heart.. I just want to stay in my room and do nothing but I need to continue my life.. Three months ago my girlfriend of 3 years gave me a good news that her dream came true and show me her papers. I saw how joyful she is as her dream to work at Canada as a nurse came true. I am happy to her and never entertained the thought that in just 3 months she's leaving. I tried to make it memorable and happy as the day flies. On September 11, 2011 was the last day we are together because on September 12 she will be flying to Manila and September 16 she will be in Canada.  I prepared...

September 12, 2011

Myth Buying

So much life conditioning inhibits the brilliance that is in you. Are you accessing all that is available to you? As a brilliant coach, as a brilliant human-being, as a brilliant spiritual being, as a bright light in the world, you have access to so much abundance. Are you living it? Are you breathing it? Do you believe it in every fibre of your being? Or are you buying into the myth, the illusions? There are so many things aimed at people to help them build their lives and businesses; as though they are not enough themselves; as though the magic and mystery of existence were there to thwart your success. It's so far from the truth of the abundance available in the universe. It often shocks and surprises me to see this disturbing...

September 11, 2011

Trackr : A dog hero of 9-11

     Today is the 10th aniversary of 9-11 World Trade Center attack. As for remembering the September 11 Twin tower attack I give a salute to all the heroes and volunteer for the rescue of survivors and victims. Also thumbs up and a big of applause to the rescue dog without them job will be harder.  Trackr, pictured with owner James Symington, helped find the last survivor from the New York terrorist attacks in September 2001     One of the best example is Trackr, A dog who was hailed for his heroism during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The faithful hound died in April aged 16, but before he passed away his owner James Symington entered a contest that offered to clone a pet dog for free. It currently costs...

September 9, 2011

Chinese Mother Teresa

In Yaopu village, Shanxi Province, Li Yanping is actually known for the sake of one-person orphanages who has care for 80 abandoned children over a period of 22 many years. 49-year-old Li Yanping life in one small 40-square-meter country preventing and barely remains on one meager income, but which hasn’t kept her on looking after dozens of left children, most of these people mentally and psychically disabled.  Born in 1964, beneath Mu village, Li married at the young age of 21. Her story as a modern-day Mother Theresa take up in 1989, when she gave birth to her healthy child, someone left on her doorstep an unhealthy child.  After seeing the condition of abandoned baby that have some deformities they reported it in a local...

September 8, 2011

A trip to Cuyba ALMONICA

Thanks for blog auto post.. I'm still out for vacation and just want to post a quickly before my mobile phone ran out of battery. As of this moment I'm busy showing the best hidden spot at Palawan from my Aunties, and the best is free.... lol... okay I'm a cheapskate.. the place is totally free for us and we didn't pay a dime since  the lucky owner of the cave is our friend. As much as possible I want to show them more beauties but they get tired easily so we just visit beautiful spot one at a time.... First stop Cuyba Almonica... Cuyba is a bicolnon language ( a native language from Philippines) and Almonica is from the first two letter of each of the children of Manoy Pete..  It just recently discovered and devolop by Manoy Pete....

September 7, 2011

Chinese Scientists Want to Push an Asteroid into Earth’s Orbit

 Scientists at Tsinghua University in Beijing take it a “stellar” theorem to better deal with asteroids: knock peerless into the ambit of the Earth. A offensive traverse when you lap up the multitudinous films that tell us of the dynamism risk created by a gigantic contact hurling seeing gap. Hexi Baoyin and his team, however, accept that by giving a slight nudge to an asteroid commenced close to the Earth, they blame make active it to alter to a small satellite. One undifferentiated asteroid is 2008EA9, a 10-meter brunt bury a alike orbital tension seeing Earth’s. This would mean that energizing the velocity of the asteroid by, oh, 410 meters per aid could smash rightful into our orbit. Doing this would allow the scientists to deal...

September 5, 2011

Scorpion Dish

Nutrition experts include found an economical way to help preserve the environment and also take care of both the food shortage problems. That they make access an easily available offer on supper filled with calcium as well as health proteins, as lack of beneath fat. Though your squeamish were able to effect away now - as the meal provide is actually insect. Both the Historic Marriage considers scary crawlies would start looking about recipes following critics beneath Brussels recommended this bugs might remain one vital source of eating routine, Your daily Weekend Times magazine documented. Indeed scorpion sauces and then cricket casserole would soon be resources, since the Historic Percentage has now presented £2.65million through one process...

September 4, 2011

Rescuing A giant Best Friend

  Size doesn't matter when doing a good deed.  A good example of this is  Sam Brear who's height is 5 ft. 1 inch has been hailed a massive hero after rescuing his huge best friend from drowning. Hulking Adam Greening, 16, who stands 6ft 7ins tall and weighs 24 stone, got into serious trouble while swimming in the freezing-cold Aire and Calder Navigation canal, near his home in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Unable to keep his head above water he     cried out to Sam who, without a second's thought, leapt into the water to help.   The nimble little lad made several attempts to drag his big buddy onto the bank but found he just wasn't strong enough.But after 20 minutes treading water to keep them...

September 3, 2011

The OCD Chopping Board

When I'm cooking it takes me a lot of time by cutting veggies because I want it to be exact same size  and carefully cutting pieces. It will take me 3 hours just to prepare the ingredients and mostly my friends or my brother help me to finish it fast.. The other day I saw this OCD chopping board and try to look it here in our local supermarket. The Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Chopping Board is etched with ruled lines and a protractor for perfectly-sized portions.The lines on the beechwood board, show where to slice for ‘medium dice’, ‘small dice’, ‘julienne’ and ‘fine julienne’ pieces. This board will make the cooking fast and OCD chopping board is designed to take the anxiety out of cooking for those with exacting standards.  ...

September 2, 2011

Lesson for Under-age drinker

What is it coming too when the law can not uphold the law? with Under age drinkers In their powerless efforts to control the rising problem with under age drinkers the numbers are increasing day by day. How sad for the parents who have tried in vain to put the kids on the straight and narrow. These kids may as well be walking arm in arm with a suicide bomber. Even adults over the years think they have mastered the art of self control when drink symptoms kick in taking the mind and body. I am sorry to say one drink to many and we all end up like a puppet on a string. Coming back to the parents, we have the caring and not so caring mothers and fathers who encourage this behaviour by not knowing where the child is or what they are...

September 1, 2011

Money. Money, Money

Money is probably the most commonly word used around the world. Money, without which lot many things cannot be done. If one has no money, one will have trouble even feeding oneself, leave aside shelter etc. What should be our attitude towards money? How much money should we accumulate and how much should we give away. How many morals and principals can be broken to get more money? And why should we earn more money than absolutely essential? There are many questions about money that come in to mind. Because since ages its money and power that has motivated human beings. For few of us power matters more than money. And paradoxically money always brings power with it. But power may or may not bring in money. For example if you are the...

August 31, 2011

A bucket of Scorpion for force eviction

Straight out of a Grade B horror flick, residents of an apartment complex in Shenzen, China, which borders Hong Kong, woke to find hundreds of scorpions invading their homes and covering their floors. In the case of one frightened tenant, a scorpion crawling over his body awakened him. When he turned on the light, he found many more, creeping and crawling all over his bedroom. It is believed that a real estate developer, in an attempt to force evictions, is behind the horrible horde of 110 pounds of living, stinging scorpions. Residents told the press that a man carrying a large bucket was seen walking from the apartment’s development office and dumping the contents into open windows. Currently, the company is trying to evict the...

August 30, 2011

A vision of a Drunk

what we see when under influence   ...

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