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August 31, 2011

A bucket of Scorpion for force eviction

Straight out of a Grade B horror flick, residents of an apartment complex in Shenzen, China, which borders Hong Kong, woke to find hundreds of scorpions invading their homes and covering their floors. In the case of one frightened tenant, a scorpion crawling over his body awakened him. When he turned on the light, he found many more, creeping and crawling all over his bedroom. It is believed that a real estate developer, in an attempt to force evictions, is behind the horrible horde of 110 pounds of living, stinging scorpions. Residents told the press that a man carrying a large bucket was seen walking from the apartment’s development office and dumping the contents into open windows. Currently, the company is trying to evict the...

August 30, 2011

A vision of a Drunk

what we see when under influence   ...

August 29, 2011

Stylish Egyptian

A study of male and female mummies has revealed the  fashion-conscious Egyptians made use of a fat-based product to keep  their hair in place.They  used the styling gel on both long and short hair, tried to curl their     hair with tongs and even plaited it in hair extensions to lengthen  their    tresses. It  is thought they used the product in both life and death, with corpses  being styled to ensure they looked good in the afterlife.  The  incredible discovery was made by archaeological scientists who studied hair samples of 18 male and female mummies, aged from four to 58  years old. The  team, from the KNH Centre of Biomedical Egyptology at the University...

August 28, 2011

Why Lovers hurt their beloved

A lover, who claims to love, can never hurt his/her beloved. Love demands that you care utmost for your beloved. You are concerned about their feelings. You make them as comfortable as possible. You keep them as happy as possible. You help them fulfill their dreams. You encourage them during tough times and you are always there for them. If you don't do this, there will be nothing called as love. The definition of love includes the qualities I mentioned. This does happen. In many relationships it happens all through the life. Such couples need not worry to know about heaven. Their home is heaven. But in some relationships, if a lover wishes to break away for any reason including feelings of being treated unjust, the results will...

August 27, 2011

Be Positive: Talk to Yourself

There is always a debate about whether daily affirmations work - the kind of uplifting statements you repeat to yourself in the mirror each morning. I find a more effective way to improve your mood and self-esteem is to create your own positive scripts for regular re-reading and study. On those days when you're really down on yourself and think that you're a failure, immersing yourself in a book crammed with notes about your qualities and accomplishments can restore your balance, brighten your spirits, and re-energize you for the rigors of the job hunt. Keep a notebook close by and jot down every little success you've ever had. List your personal characteristics, work and non-work successes, little things you've done that made...

August 26, 2011

Parenting Teens

 It is just part of parenting teens to feel shut out and worthless as a parent, right? This is not the case. Most children (remember, teens are still kids) need a firm parental hand on their shoulder. While most of the time they will make good decisions based on what you have taught them through the years, other times they will struggle endlessly with peer pressure. The first thing that you need to do as a parent is to take a step back and then make your move. Take A Step Back Parenting teens is no easy task. The first thing that you need to do, no matter how angry you are, is to take a small step back and realize what is really happening with your teen. To do this, you need to realize what they are facing. They are...

August 25, 2011

Living in with friends

 Here are a few reasons why you do not want to move in with a friend and some personal experiences from when I lived with my  best friend. Personal Space and Quiet time:      When living with friends you will not have any privacy or quiet time, and the closer the friends you are the worse it will be. You may not realize it now but you are not always in the mood to be with your friends sometimes you may want to just sit in your room and relax, and if a friend called you up you could say you were busy but if you live with a friend they will be knocking on the door and bothering you all the time, and good friends will often borrow things of yours without asking you. Where as someone you found via ad will...

August 24, 2011


      Fast approaching a staggering 500,000 apps, you'd be forgiven for thinking the Apple iPhone allows us to do almost anything. But designers are now patenting technology to help achieve the impossible for many - the ability to sing perfectly. Apple has produced software for the iPhone and iPod turning the devices into a mobile karaoke system that tells you clearly if you are off-key or miss a beat. The user will be able to use their iTunes library to choose their favourite songs to sing along to, according to the Daily Telegraph. On the screen, just like a karaoke machine, the lyrics and tune will run along it in time with music. But in a bid to improve the person's performance the software will analyse...

August 23, 2011

Forex Trading

      This is my first time to post about forex and can't think of any good topic or humor because I'm reading a lot of economics report and watching every news around U.S.A, Canada, Great Britain, other Europe happenings , and Japan's economy. Need to focus  for me not to loose. Analyzing all of the effect and how much impact they will have for tuesday trade.      I'm into forex trading for almost six years now but not that active anymore. During my first 3 months I trade everyday Monday- Friday. You need a total focus and constant study on every countries economics that interest you. A lot of work from analyzing, doing a graph, comparing and studying again to make sure it is good enough and to...

August 22, 2011

The Powerful Diary

 Anne Frank  A young girl full of Hope         In 1944, Gerrit Bolkestein, a member of the Dutch government in exile, announced in a radio broadcast from London that after the war he hoped to collect eyewitness accounts of the suffering of the Dutch people under the German occupation, which could be made available to the public. As an example, he specifically mentioned letters and diaries. Anne Frank decided that when the war was over she would publish a book based on her diary. Anne died of typhoid in 1945 in Bergen-Belsen at age 15. Her father was the only one to survive the camps. Upon his return home, a friend gave him Anne's dairy, which they had rescued...

August 21, 2011

The Birthday Gift

     Isabelle Prévost has the most best, funniest, and weird gift she ever had from his ex-husband who happened to be a Mayor  and own a excavation company. Isabelle recieved a a 20-tonne, gift-wrapped boulder her  driveway. .      Dany Larivière, who is the mayor of Saint-Théodore-d’Acton, near Montreal, claims to have deposited the rock in Isabelle Prévost’s driveway in a bid to get her to stop harassing him. Dany Larivière is the mayor of Saint-Théodore-d’Acton, a small town near Montreal  Mr Larivière sprayed the rock with fluorescent orange birthday greetings and topped it off with a pink bow. ‘She never had a rock big enough for her tastes, now she has one. That’s the biggest...

August 20, 2011

The Unbelievable Choices

       If you are given 2 choices to go to school which of these two will you choose? 1.) Take a dreadful 2 hours trekking and hiking with the chances of encountering the wild animals such as wild boar ... or 2.) Do the 1 minute zipline 1200 meters above!      The image above is not photoshop nor edited.. This is the harsh reality of  Daisy Mora, an 11 year-old girl, pulling some commando crap just to go to school , so crazy and insane for other average Joe or a normal kid out there. and despite what one would reasonably assume, it does not show the girl desperately screaming for her mommy while her callous and irresponsible uncle laughs from the launch platform. She not only ziplines by choice,...

August 19, 2011

Humor: The moral Story of One stone

Good day readers.. here's another humor try to guess the moral story... One Stone - This was his Indian name given to him because he had only one testicle. After years and years of this torment One Stone cracked and said, "If anyone calls me One Stone again I will kill them!" The word got around and nobody called him that any more. Then one day a young girl named Blue Bird forgot and said, "Good morning, One Stone." He jumped up, grabbed her and took her deep into the forest, and there he made love to her all day, he made love to her all night, he made love to her all the next day, until Blue Bird died from exhaustion. The word got around that One Stone meant business. Years went by until a woman named Yellow Bird returned to the village...

August 18, 2011

Humor: Good Manners

During one of her daily lessons, a teacher trying to teach good manners, asks her students the following question: “Michael, If you were on a date having dinner with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?” Michael says “Just a minute, I have to go pee.” The teacher responds by saying, “That would be rude and impolite. What about you, Sherman, how would you say it?” Sherman says, “I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” “That’s better, but it’s still not very nice to say the word bathroom at dinner table. And you, little Edward, can you use your brain for once and show us your good manners?” “I would say, ‘Darling, may I please be excused for a moment? I...

August 17, 2011

Best Selling Pop Group of all time

This are the list of best selling Pop group of all time that sold million of records worldwide... A trip on Pop group who dominates the chart... enjoy 11.Destiny's Child /1997–2006Total record sales claimed: 50 million 10 Ace of Base/ 1987–present Total record sales claimed: 50 million 9. *NYSNC/ 1995-2002 Total record sales claimed: 56 million 8. The Black Eyed Peas/ 1995-present Total record sales claimed: 56 million 7. Boyz II Men/1990–present Total record sales claimed: 60 million  6. The Village People/ 1977–present Total record sales claimed: 65 million 5. The New Kids on the Block/1984–present Total record sales claimed: 70 million 4.  The Jackson 5/1966–1990 Total record sales claimed: 100 million 3....

August 16, 2011

Jaiden Crazy World

 Jaiden's Crazy world      I gave up my other site JCW for some reason I felt like something is wrong with the site. Without explanation I just disable it one day and already contented on my tym2laff site.. then the other day I decided to open it again and fix every code to look better.. I tried to occupy my mind in able to forget the tragic life of my friend who hangs herself. Well its work and I forgot that problem and I enjoy trying to unlock and  put every html code in the right place... and makes me proud of the result. Now... Jaiden's world is up.. all about my random thought about worlds around me and latest opinion on various hot issues and also my personal life while  tym2laff will stay as informative...

Father raised cat and left baby starve to death

     A 2 year 10 month old Japanese baby has starved to death because the his irresponsible  father was more concerned with raising the cat. Police stated that the starved baby must have gone into survival mode, eating anything he could find, after pieces of diaper, cat litter, plastics, and papers were found in his stomach.     The father denied the charges and also offered the following statement:  ”It’s not that I didn’t do anything.  It was just my cat was more important than my child.” Japanese social service were alerted to the boys situation after his check up at 6-7 months old, he was only 13.7 pounds.  This tragic and heartbreaking case could have been prevented. The social...

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