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June 30, 2011

Thank You

     Hooray.....Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!    The comeback of tym2laff is a success! I already hit over 100,000 page views. For me it is amazing accomplishment , a big come back of Tym2laff  from June 7,2011. I saw my blog slowly rising from the rank from the local ranking site of , tym2laff went on 37th spot, tym2laff is the only site who has the  address who made it to top50. In the international ranking site of blogtoplist tym2laff got the taste of 98th position, Now the rank went down to 173 position but its okay, still accomplishment from 672nd  down to 173. Slowly but surely. I spend 1 day promoting the site from networkblog, facebook and 2leep            I hope when I...

The 5 Most Bizarre Body Modification

     The list I gather today is not so family friendly topic but I tried my best to make it a SAFE FOR WORK. I choose the weirdest and bizarre among body modification. While compiling this list I'm thinking WTF are they thinking, its all painful, weird,  and hair raising. The number 1 in the list makes my hair raised, I tried my best to give the sfw image but i cant so I just censored it. Just search the web for more graphically image.. Lol. The 5 Most Outrageous and Bizarre Body Modification 5. Human Branding      Human branding is the process of burning the skin of a living person in which a mark, usually a symbol or ornamental pattern, with the intention that the resulting scar makes it...

June 29, 2011

Funny Note

The note made me smile... and it made me think maybe all the tenant on that buildings are loner .... ...

June 28, 2011

The Sweet Goodbye: The Most Romatic Break-up

     Break-up is not really pretty. It is the last option when falling out of love and you need to break someones heart. Mostly after the break up, either you will ignore the one you love before and he/she is not existing in your world and you will not have respect to that person. Usually the couple will end up in a terrible break-up fight.    As the saying "There's No sweet in saying goodbye.", but the two Chinese student proved that there is...Xu Minyu and Xiao Ying, two students from Wuhan’s University of Science and Technology,   the couple decided to break up upon graduating college, eventhough everything was great and their relationship is perfect between them. It wasn’t an easy decision for either...

Humor: Be Strong Honey!

               A  blackman escapes from prison where he has been for 18 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and finds a young couple in bed. He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of herm kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom. While he's in there, the husband tells his wife. "Listen , this guy's an escaped convict, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in hail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain, do whatever he tells. Satisfy him no matter what. This guy is  probably dangerous. If he gets angry,...

June 27, 2011

Poll time again

    After the last poll I've created a 2  weeks ago I asked the reader about their opinion of which is the best browser. Mozilla still emerge as winner and trusted by more user or should I said my reader. Firefox                     16,231(52%) Google Chrome         9,602(29%) Internet Explorer     4,012 (10%) Safari                         1,914(3%) Opera                        1,797(2%)          I  conducted...

10 Common Lies of Men

    Nobody deserves to be lied, but there are no doubts that men are telling lies considerably and often. But so women do the same.      If you have trust issues in your relationship, in general, a man may lie to you. Trust is something that you must build from the beginning of the relationship. Even though, a lot of people say ''white lies'' in order to make others feel better.  Some men lie because, as caring creatures they want to protect and spare the feelings of the woman they are dating or seeing.       Here are some common lies told by Men  that you should know. Someday you might hear them from your partner and it is better to know their real meaning. 10. I...

June 26, 2011

Collection of Photos that will make you smile

Let's relax a bit.. I gather the photos that makes me smile and want to share it to you. Enjoy the beautiful day. A ticklish monkey... :) This one makes me smile... nice joke.... hehehe Bad Kitty! Welcome to the new technology birdies... LOL Am I seeing a goat not a backpack? Cu...

June 25, 2011

15 Cases of Human Cannibalism

      After the Green post yesterday.. Lets go to a very serious, odd, bizarre and weird stuff. Let's talk about Cannibalism.      Any human with the right mind knows that this is ultimate taboo. Just the thought of killing someone to consume is totally unbelievable. This compilation of list shows the many reasons why humans partake in this kind of  practice.  Some people practice this for cultural purposes, for survival or even the worst,  for pleasure.   15. Fritz haarmann Friedrich Heinrich Karl "Fritz" Haarmann was known to be an active trader in contraband meat. He is also known as the Butcher of Hanover and the Vampire of Hanover was a German Serial killer who is...

June 24, 2011

The Most expensive Razor

     This is not your ordinary razor that will cost US$100,000 or it is not antique aswell. The Zafiro Iridium limited-edition razor is made of 99.9% pure iridium. They are only limited series of jus 99, each of the Zafiro Razor is engraved with a serial number and monogrammed to your specification at no extra charge. Only need to pay is the $100,000 for the razor.     The Zafiro Razor is a very special rare razor, the handle of Zafiro razor is made of Iridium, a rare metal "from meteorites. "  When I'm in Highschool my science teacher say Iridium is highly resistant to heat and it will not melt even you drop it in lava, and it is usually used in for space rockets. The screws that hold the Zafiro Iridium...

Let's be Green

Let's be Green! uhmmm.... not the one associated in environment... Silly! Just a humor.... If you are easily offended Dont read  or Scroll down this post and leave now!        DON'T SCROLL DOWN!   Omg! You still scroll down.. the reason why you keep scrolling down because you are expecting a naughty post.  How about telling you a story about Heidi Montag? Once upon a time there's a simple princess named Heidi Montag and became a z-list actress... One day, She got bored and went to super market...... and................... She...

June 23, 2011

Dusty: The Cat Burglar

  Meet Dusty, a six-year-old house cat from San Mateo, California, the klepto cat. He literaly gives a meaning of  "THE CAT -BURGLAR" . By day he looks like an ordinary house pet, At night Dusty is wandering his neighborhood to collect everything from towels, swimsuit, small toys to pajamas. The cat is doing that in the past three years  and he has gathered over 600 objects.The neighbors have gotten accustomed to his behavior and if something is missing they know where to look - Dusty's yard. According to some animal behaviour experts, Dusty’s kleptomania is linked to his predatory instinct to hunt. Something in his head got mixed up and he’s under the impression he has caught something and is bringing it home to share. Although...

Sitting All Day can Kill You!

A Little infography on danger of sitting all day.  ...

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